Over-Prescribing and Under-Dosing

To start off, I'd like to introduce a great book that will help illustrate what I'd like to write about, so bear with me for a second. 

This book is called The One Thing by Gary Keller, and here are the key points:

  1. The ONE Thing is the best approach to getting what you want.

  2. Success is a result of narrowing your concentration to one thing.

  3. Success is built sequentially, one thing at a time.

Like most concepts we are presented with, they seem pretty simple, right? Sure, but all too often we just don't apply what we learn. We are so caught up in a fast-paced, Shiny-Object Syndrome society that we don't take the time to: 

      1. Narrow down our goals to what we truly want  

     2. Give consistent effort on the right tasks overtime to see the results we desire

So, let's apply that to Physical Therapy. All too often I see Physical Therapists giving 20 different exercises (over-prescribing) at 3 sets of 10 repetitions (under-dosing). Because of this, people will either not do any of them due to being overloaded, or do all of them without challenging the body enough to make the changes they desire. Both scenarios end in frustration for that person having wasted valuable time, money, and resources.

At Results Rehab, our goal is to give you the quality care you deserve. This means educating each client on the reasoning behind each exercise, and giving you an individualized plan-of-care that is most effective for your lifestyle. 

Lastly, whether it be with exercises or with other personal goals, make sure you are giving consistent effort on the right tasks, and focusing on just a few tasks that you can do really well to get the results you desire.

My Best,

Dr. James



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